Sunday, December 14, 2008

It's begining to look a lot like christmas

We had are first real snow storm of the season this weekend,
and now it looks like Christmas really is just around the

It is so pretty when it first snow's and you think "oh how beautiful it looks".

That lasts for about a day then I'm saying

"I hate this snow"! "Its to cold"! "I want to move"...

So before those thoughts come into my mind, I thought you all might like to see the real beauty of it all... It really is pretty isn't it!!

1 comment:

Randi said...

That is some pretty snow! I think I would love it too, for about 24 hours and then I too would want to get the heck out of there.

Right now in austin, it is freezing bum hairs cold right now. I wish it would snow, that way the cold would be worth something.

LOVE YOU!! I am SOOOOOOO happy you are blogging!