Saturday, December 27, 2008

who need's make-up

For Christmas this year Tae got a toy from all his favorite action hero's.

Well because he doesn't want to play alone I have become the best action hero playmate, and so for the last few day's I have looked like this....

I mean really,
who needs make-up when
you can look this cool.

Christmas Time what a Wonderful Time

Well once again Santa came and dumped his sled at our house.
Every other year we get to have George's girls for Christmas, and when we do its just that much more crazy fun at our house. And this year was no exception!

We enjoyed a great night Christmas Eve at grandparents Scovill's, but there was a different spirit this year, normally we would have grandpa read the birth of the Savior out of the bible and the girls would dress up and act it out, but this year the girls thought they we're getting to big to do that so we had one of my father's spiritual lessons as he read from the bible and I think that we all learned more about our Savior that night. It was awe inspiring to sit and listen to my girls asking questions and watching their eyes light up when the spirit answered them.

We always have pj's to open Christmas Eve, a grandma tradition.
Just as we were getting ready for bed I told the girls that we would wake-up as a family whenever Tae got up and if anyone woke him up before he was ready I would beat them with a Christmas tree ornament. So I went to bed thinking that I could sleep until at least eight o'clock. But my father, after waking up, shoveling his snow, and driving my mom crazy waiting for us to call him for what (to him) seemed like hours, decided he could no longer wait another minute and came to my house ringing the door bell till he had managed to wake the entire house hold at seven o'clock.

Here are some of the memorable moments of Christmas morning.

We had such an amazing Christmas, I feel blessed and my heart is full.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

It's begining to look a lot like christmas

We had are first real snow storm of the season this weekend,
and now it looks like Christmas really is just around the

It is so pretty when it first snow's and you think "oh how beautiful it looks".

That lasts for about a day then I'm saying

"I hate this snow"! "Its to cold"! "I want to move"...

So before those thoughts come into my mind, I thought you all might like to see the real beauty of it all... It really is pretty isn't it!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

for his a jolly good fellow!

We went to my dad's house last night to celebrate his 75th birthday, and have been thinking a lot about him this morning.
So I just thought I would write some of my thoughts down.
My Dad is an amazing husband and father. He is the true meaning of unconditional love that I have ever witnessed. He is so loving to all those who he comes in contact with every day.
He honors his priesthood and is an example to my husband who is really new to all of that, and I watch him guide George with out saying a word sometimes.
He fills a room just by walking into it, with his sunshine smile and laughter.
He has been there for me and all my family thought thick and thin, and never says anything negative, he just helps you though whatever it may be till you feel good about yourself again and can move on and then gives you all the credit.
His is a man of his word, I have never seen a guy walk out of a store without paying for something because they forgot their wallet except for my dad.
I am honored to be his daughter, I just keep hoping that some day he will rub off on me.
I was so glad to be there for him last night, and each day that we spend with both him and my mom is so spacial to me, I love living so close to them and getting to spend as much time with them as I do, and my children love being so close to them as well, if we don't go see them at least once a week grandpa is calling to make sure everyone is okay and doing good and I feel loved that he cares so much.
So on this day I would just like to pay turibute to the man of the hour and tell him again,
Happy Birthday Dad.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


This time of year we Should be pulling out our snow shovels and coats.

But as you can see....
There is no snow in sight.

But BOY, are we enjoying the nice weather while it last!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


My baby is Eighteen!!! How do I feel about this? I don't know.....
She is such an amazing daughter, and such a pain in the butt at the same time, but I don't know what I would even do without her.
We have been called the Gilmore Girls by many people, and it's true. We are so close, and have always been close to the point of being more like sister's.
She is my everything and I love her more than words can express.
So she is growing up into a beautiful women right in front of my eyes.

And I'm honored to call her mine.

Her future is not clear right now, she is still fighting to maintain her weight, and stay healthy. While still trying to get enough credits to graduate, because she spent so much time not in school last year from being sick.
But I know that she will work it all out, and be something amazing.